New Announcements
2025 Price Change Update
As of 03/22/2025
Our coop and option pricing has changed to reflect cost increases. Updated pricing was completed by March 22 2025 and any previous pricing on the website is no longer valid. Please refresh any previously saved links to update to current pricing.
We are experiencing a high volume of calls and emails, so we appreciate your patience! You can expect a new quote in 5 business days.
Facebook Scam
As of 07/23/2024
We've been made aware that there are several Facebook pages posing as our company, trying to scam our customers. We do NOT have a Facebook page that we sell our coops through and we do NOT ask for $$$ down payment to receive a coop quote.
Please report and block any pages you see with our logo or information on Facebook or any other social media site. Again we do not sell or discuss orders through any social media pages. Official orders can only be placed over the phone or by emailing us at Thank you!
New Coop Style
As of 08/03/23
We've released a brand new coop style!
Are you a new chicken owner looking for a basic structure to house your chickens? Don't need all the fancy options or styles, just want something simple and safe? Look no further than our Dutch EZY Coop!
An All-In-One Run with nesting boxes, auto feeders and more!
2022 Price Change Update
As of 01/31/22
Our coop and option pricing has changed to reflect cost increases. Updated pricing was completed by February 7th, 2022, any previous pricing on the website is no longer valid.
We are experiencing a high volume of calls and emails, so we appreciate your patience! You can expect a response within 3 business days.
Maternity Leave Info
As of 01/01/22
Our one-and-only customer service rep, Sierra, recently had a chick of her own! She will be on partial maternity leave for the rest of the year, but don't worry, we're still accepting and building new orders!
Please email us at to schedule a phone call to discuss your questions and place your order. You can also fill out the contact form below or the quote request form on our product pages. Voicemails will not be returned until the New Year.
We are experiencing a high volume of calls and emails, so we appreciate your patience! You can expect a response within 3 business days.
Covid-19 Info
As of 1/1/21
Lancaster Chicken Coops is an essential business and our team is in full production!
Due to nationwide material shortages, and a continuous high volume of orders, we are at a 8-12 week wait, from your order date. We are doing everything we can to get back to our normal build and delivery times of 4-6 weeks, but we appreciate everyone's patience as we continue to get through our building queue. We understand many need a place for their chickens or other animals asap, and again, we are doing everything we can to continue providing quality structures in a timely manner.
To prevent the spread of Covid-19 to our Amish building team and our valued customers, and under the PA Governor's instructions, we are only accepting visits to our workshop through appt. and customers are asked to wear masks at all times. Please email us to schedule an appt.
Should you request a quote or place an order, we will keep you updated on when you can expect your coop to be built and delivered. If you have any questions or would like to place an order, please feel free to email us at or fill out the contact form below.
We are experiencing a high volume of calls and emails and only have 1 customer service rep, but you can expect a response within 3 business days. We hope you stay safe and healthy and we look forward to hearing from you!